How long will it take for my blog to succeed if I post daily

How long will it take for my blog to succeed if I post daily?I will suggest two simple ways for you to advertise on your blog and make money with AdSense.

WordPress Blogger: Google Blogger is free, and you don’t have to worry about hosting or getting a domain.Simply select a theme or template for your website after signing up for Blogger.Then get started on writing your article.

You can apply for Google Adsense after writing roughly 20 articles.
(Don’t apply for AdSense before you’ve written enough articles; if you do, they won’t approve your website for AdSense. Also, write your own article; don’t copy paste from other people’s articles; this is plagiarism, and if Google finds out, they will ban your AdSense account.)

You won’t learn how to set up an AdSense account or insert an AdSense code into Blogger from me.If you really want to learn how to write blogs, you can probably find a lot of articles and videos about the subject on YouTube or Google.

Let’s try the second approach.
WordPress: WordPress is also very simple, but it is more advanced than Blogger.WordPress is for you if you don’t want to make a website using Blogger because it doesn’t feel like a professional website.WordPress is used by the majority of organizations and startups because it is so easy to use and doesn’t require you to learn HTML, CSS, or PHP to create a beautiful, professional website.

Keep in mind that although wordpress is free, purchasing a domain and hosting for your website will set you back a small amount of money.

(However, you can also purchase a free domain and hosting; if you conduct a search on Google, a number of websites will offer you a free domain and hosting. However, keep in mind that purchasing a free domain will not only make your website appear less professional, as no one will provide you with a free.Com,.In, or.Org extension, and purchasing a free hosting account will result in low-quality service that is frequently unavailable.If you want to earn money using WordPress, you can use the free method; however, if you want to create a website for business use, you shouldn’t use the free method. To create a website using WordPress, you must first purchase two items.
Hosting a domain

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